Bachelors by 30?

Monday, October 24, 2005

The Vehicle Decision

So, for starters I am nowhere near as regular with this blog as I would like, and not nearly as up on various news as I would like either.

For the first one, I guess it can partially be attributed to the idea of competition as my older brother has a blog and I immediately commented to him that I would withhold judgment for a month.

(For the record, it is still going (although still broken in IE as of earlier today) and I must concede that it looks like he's managed to make it over the "exploratory stage" and will be publishing regularly, more than I can say for myself as of now.)

For the second one I used to have a blog, but have since deleted it. I had managed to keep it up with some decent insights on the state of gaming and gaming news for awhile even - but eventually it lost out to school as a time focus.

Anyhow, on to my point. the vehicle decision previously mentioned. I was thinking about it the other day and decided it would be much more fun to surprise people. Granted, I am sure that only my older brother reads this blog, but you never know what kind of random google search you'll come up on these days.

So, I am going to track the whole decision/purchase/attaining process and eventually will post stuff about it. Probably around my birthday, January 24th. We figure we'll be in a new vehicle before Christmas as mine is getting pretty bad so this leaves a good couple of months to make sure most of our friends/family have been surprised.

That's all for now. I am working on creating a standard weekly schedule for myself to include working out, school, time with family, and blogging (probably squeezed in with school). Once I have the details hammered out I'll probably write a segment on that quick as I don't have a ton of other stuff to blog about what with the major purchase decision facing us being kept secret...

(Funny note, on runing the on-line spellcheck "blog" "google" and "blogging" were identified as unknown/misspelled words...)


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